Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Summer League 2008

Are you so excited about Summer League that your pants are on fire? Well prepare to be quenched. Summer League 2008 is here!!

To sign up for summer league, just go to:

The dates are as follows:

Signups – May 6-17
Wk one – May 29
Wk ten – July 31
EOS – Aug 2

It costs $60 to play, $50 if you a student or if this is your first time to BUDA, and $35 if you are in High School. If you want to play, you have to pay, so be sure to complete the entire signup process before finishing out.

We'll post more information about the league in the coming week.


BUDA said...

I propose that the first player to sign up for league every year be given the "Mandy Dorsey" award.

This year's winner...

Mandy Dorsey!

Amanda said...

Hells yeah! Free admission to Summer League! You can just send my refund check to my home address.

Unknown said...

Will there be t-shirts?

Bret Waldrep said...

what about midsummer tourney?

Nate said...

Cory will have to confirm this, but I'm sure that there will be t-shirts, and that there will also be a midsummer tournament. Dates TBD.

Mark W. said...

I accidentally got charge two sign up fees. How can we correct it?

Unknown said...

what does the $50 fee go towards?

Unknown said...

Do sexual favors come with that $60 fee...WTF guys I know gas has gone up and all but im pretty sure that plastic prices havent risen that much in the past quarter.

andrea said...

When will you post a list of who's signed up already? That's what I'm interested in.

MeganRoth said...

$60 goes toward renting fields, feeding 300 people at two summer tournaments, buying shirts and discs, and putting on Mudbowl.

People who have a problem with the $60 fee, go play softball with your church or something.

Or better yet, join a fantasy Ultimate league online.


The Commish (Cory) said...

Wow, Megan puts her foot DOWN. Megan is absolutely correct though, it is expensive to run Summer League. It has been a chore to get you guys fields where we have not been thrown off (yet).

***Special thanks to Darren Brown for all of his tireless efforts towards making this Summer League a reality.

Unknown said...

The $60 is for love, not cotton. Softball is cheaper because softball players are just angry, there's no love (e.g. every league at George Ward Park)

How many fields could you guys have possibly been thrown off of?

Joe Dentici said...

ah!! i missed registration!! is there mercy for those who love the disc, but miss the deadlines?

Unknown said...


i'm in the same boat as joe & missed registration!!

is there mercy for those who love the disc, but miss the deadlines?


andrea said...

The thing that gets me, is that I don't know what we do that pisses people off that boots us from the fields. I mean, we pick up our garbage, we're friendly, we don't do anymore damage than does soccer.

I think we lose because we're grown-ups who play a weird sport.

MeganRoth said...

If you missed registration, please email Cory at ccasella3@gmail.com .




Adelaide said...

This is my first year. Excuse my question if it's public knowledge! ...any idea when we will be sent info on teams/practice, etc?