Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Field Change

For this week's play, games at Ellard will be MOVED to George Ward Park's softball fields. For NEXT week's play (not THIS week) both Patriot Park and Ellard will be moved to George Ward for the remainder of the season.

Teams playing at Ellard this Week:
Team 3: Red Rockets (Megan and Matt)
Team 16: Mustachio Pistachio (Meredith and Scottie)
Team 6: It's a Boy (Liz and Brian Terrell)
Team 9: Token (Lee and Josh)

George Ward Park Entrance

Thanks to Paul Dorsey for making this happen.

In short:
THIS week, Ellard plays at George Ward Park Entrance
NEXT week and from then on, Patriot Park and Ellard both play at George Ward Park.
Paul Dorsey is awesome.



Todd Michael Stone said...

why can't the homewood teams play at george ward this week?

just curious

MeganRoth said...

Because we only got approved to use two of George Wards' fields this week.

After next week, we are allowed to use four of their fields for the rest of the season.

The Commish (Cory) said...

there will be softball being played at two of the fields this week so we could not move both locations to GW.

Todd Michael Stone said...

that makes sense, thanks to paul, thats awesome