Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summer League Week 4

Summer Leaguers,

Tomorrow night week four games commence! Your captains will have your shirts ready tomorrow night before games begin. Discs will arrive soon.

Teams: Don't forget to pick an MVP from your own team as well as one from each team you play tomorrow night. Captains should send your teams' votes to Cory at Don't tell him at Zydeco - he's not going to remember.

Play hard and have fun!!


Spike said...

Nice bid Mr "D". Too bad your arms aren't a little bit longer or you would have had it. Blame your creator for that. Damn artists!

MeganRoth said...

Maybe a lowercase d would have made it.. :/

gwen264 said...

I thought the "D" had already hit the disk and it was flying away from the force of the blow!

MeganRoth said...

Yes! That is what the artist envisioned!


Actually, the D is symbolic of Gwen D'ing Spike in week four summer of summer league...and looking damn good doing it.

I went there.

Todd Michael Stone said...

i left my keys at Homewood tonight. if anyone has them email me at or call my dad at 205-873-1340. thanks

Todd Michael Stone said...

N/M one of my teammates got them,