Thursday, June 5, 2008

Week 2

All teams have picked colors and shirts should be in in two weeks, discs by mid-summer tournament.

Captains, don't forget to have your new players sign wavers!

Zydeco, after games tonight. $5.00 pitchers on all draft beer, food can be brought over from Roly Poly next door.

See you all on the field! :-D


Spike said...

$60 dues for a piece of plastic and a cotton T-shirt. You'd think they were made out of gold. I know my whole team is dissappointed in the cotton T-shirts. We've had good jerseys in the past when dues were a lot lower. What's the deal?

Spike said...

As a paying summer league player. Can someone tell me where my money is going? I know some for food, plastic, cotton T-shirts, etc. But what I'd like to know is how much of my $60 goes to what. You know like.. $7.00 is for a disc. $5.00 for a cotton T-shirt. $7.00 to get something printed on it. How much of my money goes to what else? Just curious.

MeganRoth said...

That might be a good question to ask the Summer League Commissioner.

I know it costs a couple thousand to get the fields in Talladega for both those tournaments. Food and beer for 300+ people as well. I don't have any of the numbers though, so go to Cory or Jay for those.

I guess what I'm wondering is...

1. Did everyone pay 60 bucks to get a polyester jersey, or did everyone pay 60 bucks to play summer league?

2. When everyone signed up, did it say, "Pay $60.00 and you'll be promised a polyester jersey that costs four to five times more than a shirt because of the Patagonia logo"? I don't remember seeing anything about that.

3. Does everyone think that Cory or Jay are hoarding the extra money? If that's the case, why doesn't somebody just come right out and accuse them instead of dancing around asking where the money is going and how much each thing costs. I'm sure Cory would be happy to answer.

4. In closing, I'm not sure I understand why your whole team is disappointed. Did you or your captain promise them expensive polyester jerseys at the beginning of the season? As far as I know, Summer League shirts are usually shirts, and only a couple times have expensive jerseys been ordered - last year's being a disaster. (Even ordered in bulk, they were $20.00 a piece and proved to be complete heat traps.)

What do I know. I'm just the blogger. I don't have anything to do with the t-shirts, the discs, your dues, or your team's general dissatisfaction.

The Commish (Cory) said...

OK guys, let me explain about your dues and where the money goes:

I will not publish the specific prices of each item ordered for you. its not because i am hiding anything, or covering anything up, i just do not think that it is necessary and add to that the fact that we have not actually paid for anything yet.

Here is a list of all the things included in your dues:

1. Jersey with a custom logo/design
2. Disc with custom logo/design
3. Four sets of fields for 10 weeks of games.
4. Two tournaments
4a. Food at both tournaments
4b. Beer and beverages at both tournaments
4c. 8 sets of fields for two tournaments
5. Insurance
6. Money to get BUDA out of a financial hole
7. a healthy non-profit organization that we all love

I find it very hard to believe that everyone is in such an uproar about jerseys. I mean really? 20 regular season games, 2 tournaments with food and beer provided at each and you are complaining about dues of 60$? Some softball leagues cost more than that, you play less and you have to get your own team jerseys.

I paid my dues like everyone else, 60$. I think it kinda sucks that we are not getting jerseys this year too. However, I was told to cut some costs where I could and that was the first thing to go. And when I think about it rationally, I can see that my 60$ is going to a lot of other things besides a jersey.

You know where you are playing every week. We have fields set up for you the rest of the season. All of these things were done for all of you on a volunteer basis - no one who helps out with BUDA is paid anything. When you are unable to do what you paid your money to do, which is play Frisbee, then we can talk again about unfairness.

The part that gets me is that everyone loved those jerseys last year because they said Patagonia on them. Towards the end of the season, I didnt even want to wear mine because it was like wearing a trash bag. They were 100% polyester. They got so slick with sweat at the tournaments that my yellow "jersey" turned into a see-through slip and slide that I couldnt peel off of my body with a paint scraper.

This years jerseys will be 100% cotton with a sweet design by Megan Roth. Complaining about them doesn't change the fact that this is a non-profit organization experiencing money issues, and these are the best we can do. And you may not want to complain about them until you've actually played in them.

I'd just like to close by saying that answering complaints like these is really an extra effort out of the goodness of our hearts. Our jobs as BUDA volunteers are to organize games, get fields, and set up tournaments so that we all can play ultimate. If you go by those standards, this season has already been a huge success.


Nate said...

I just leased a porsche.

Cheri said...

I just want to say that I was VERY glad to see that the jerseys were COTTON this year. I hated the jerseys last year because they did not absorb anything. I wondered what person who plays ultimate would order polyester for summer league (maybe for winter league but definitely not summer). I applaud the choice of cotton!!

elliotb said...

I really liked last year's jerseys. Never experienced the "trash bag"/"slip n' slide" phenomena. In fact, last year's jersey is my favorite jersey.

Poly jerseys are supposed to wick away moisture, and they do a better job of that than cotton. In extreme humidity, the water doesn't evaporate, no matter what you're wearing. Both poly & cotton jerseys will get soaked in sweat. The poly jersey will weigh about 1 pound when soaked, the cotton jersey will weigh about 5.

As far as this year's jerseys go, do what you gotta do; no complaints from me. I've already got a dry-wicking shirt that's my team's color anyway. :)

nichole tawbush hill said...

I plan to wear the cotton T's out on the town to advertise BUDA while purchasing an inexpensive, slick jersey from a local large discount store to play in.

Spike said...

No one is complaining about anything. Maybe a little dissapointed, but that is all.
I didn't play summer league last year, so I don't know about all that.
I don't know about everyone in an uproar, but I did hear that comment from a lot of people. Could be hearsay.

Bloggers are hilarious! I love them. Not that I read too many blogs, but I can see how much fun they can be now.

I just wanted to know where the money was going. Not, that someone was hoarding it. Ha...ha..
Thanks for clearing things up Cory.
I didn't realize we payed to use the fields at East lake Park or the other fiels.
I did'nt realize we paid insurance.
Does this cover a person if they don't have health insurance and break thier hand on the field?
So, BUDA is in a financial hole and now new players have an increased fee to help offset what was done in the past?

Maybe, out of all the people playing summer league, I was the only person wondering where our money was going. If so, Thanks for explaining Cory. If I wasn't the only person, your welcome for me asking. Thank Cory for explaining it.

Let me tell you how excited I am about getting a cotton t shirt specially designed from the hot Megan Roth. Yippee! I know it will be worth it now! It will be like wearing a shirt designed by someone famous. Almost like designer jeans. Thanks Megan!

Well, this is the first day I have ever "blogged". I hope I'm doing it right.
This wasn't meant for anyone to get "Testy" and I hope I didn't offend anyone.
Thanks to all of you volunteers for doing such a great job.
And to Nate for buying a cool car with all the BUDA funds and putting us in the hole, so all of our fees are now increased and we are getting cotton T-shirts. HA...

I have some more things to bring up, but I'll wait for another blog day.
See you on the fields or maybe Zydeco afterwards.
Peace out.

Unknown said...

(Pete said, not Chris)

I'm not absolutely sure, but after emailing Spike I think he's changed his mind. (Spike please let us know if I misunderstood.) I think he's practically desperate for a cotton t, and he can't believe we really got ORANGE! He loves orange, especially if it's Auburn or UT orange. (Meghan, could we get a blue or white border on our shirts?) I know as a member of his team, I've always wanted cotton and thought they'd be more expensive (well spent money). Meghan, won't we owe you at least a little for the design? I expect they'll be collector's items in a year or two after you become famous. In any case, I'm orange next week, and I'm cotton, and I'm fired up.

(This is from Pete Holby, not Chris...just using his sign on.)

MeganRoth said...

Here's a link to the 2008 summer league jersey.




stolidog said...

cotton or polyester - its' hear nor there. With the cotton I don't mind cutting the thing into a tank so that it will breathe. That's what we did in the old days before we got fancy jerseys. I just want to know what color my team is?

MeganRoth said...

You can find your team color by going back to the blog homepage.
Look at the post by Cory on Friday, "Week 2 Standings, (with colors"

Unknown said...

kind of off topic...but i can't seem to find the waiver anywhere on the site. any help?

MeganRoth said...


Waivers aren't on the site...they were emailed to your captains. If you'll contact your captains, they should either email it to you or print one for you.

